Where do IÂ being ?
Hi! I am Gaia, I have been on a mission to find the courage to share my words and myself more with the world.
I am a believer in the importance of choosing words with care as they hold the wonderful magic of creating our reality.
I have been on a soul searching mission for the last 43 years and a bit. I will be 44 in the summer, so it has been my life mission to find out what am I doing here.
Over the last few years I have taken my life apart, let go of a job, a husband, a lot of beliefs and few notions.
I am Italian but I have lived in Ireland on the east coast since 1997. I run a small consulting business with one of my best friends. I have a dog and four cats with very human names, a niece that I adore, a mad tight knit family in the old country and a tribe of wonderful friends scattered across the globe.
I love travelling, good red wine in small quantities, Italian coffee, making bread, going to concerts, Tuscany, sunrises on the sea and good food.
I am curious about mindfulness, coaching, neurobiology, spirituality, the workings of the human mind and everything that makes the world go around.
I am not a fan of raw onions and cucumbers, cheddar of any kind, any -ism because everything should be in taken in small measures, queues and negativity.
I was born a fixer and I grew up to be a perfectionist , but I have reformed myself and the only fixing I do now is with myself and the only notion of perfectionism I hold is that life is perfectly imperfect.